Sixth Sense Warning

The Sixth Sense is a unique sense apart from the five basic senses of vision, touch, hearing, taste, and smell. This provides humans and other beings the ability to perceive something before it happens. Before an earthquake or any natural disaster, animals and birds are quick to know. Their behavioural changes, make different sounds and voices or move to safer places. 

Animals have instincts which keeps them safe from predators, know about their natural environment which helps to survive. Human also have. This is the power of the sixth sense giving them information about an impending danger coming their way. Likewise, humans do possess such ability to perceive something prior to it happens.

Sixth Sense: Radar in the human body

The human eye and ear can only see to a range capacity. There is a lot going around which we can’t see and hear. It is  where the sixth sense comes to power. Act as a radar, track and detect anything unusual  happening around our surroundings. Knowing something intuitively with no reason to explain how we know.

Unlike other senses in our body, the sixth sense though always remains active the sense is hard to feel. It works behind the curtain, having a sharp intangible antenna that stimulates any changes in the surroundings.

Sixth Sense: A Sensor of mystery

Suppose you are standing by a stranger, without any communication or nothing.  If you would feel an uneasiness, that’s where this sense works giving your body the signal to get alert. Another example, you are getting ready to office, you pick up your purse. The mind telling you what if your purse will get lost still you put inside pocket. If you lost it in that day that’s sixth sense. It is the intuitive feeling about someone or something. It’s a kind of a mystery we are largely unaware of.

Sixth Sense and daily life

In our day-to-day life, the sixth sense work consistently giving us information of many unusual or unforeseen happenings in advance. Since we are so preoccupied with our thoughts or busy with life we ignore those signals.

How to improve sixth sense?
  • Minutely observe day to day happenings

The best way to minutely observe your daily activities.  Try to understand any message the back of the mind is trying to convey. It is not a one-day activity more of a process that takes time to analyze and understand. Each human possesses the unique power of sixth sense some have strong others less effective in nature. Less effective can also improve if you regularly interact with your mind.  Also to engage mind in analyzing daily activities and its pattern. Gradually with practice the power of 6th sense will improve. Better in-depth understanding activates our sixth sense and makes our minds easier to feel the messages.

  • Fifteen minutes Meditation

Another effective way to improve the sixth sense is meditation. Here, deep meditation is not necessary. Fifteen minutes of mild meditation time to self is required. Focus only to mind has the ability to energize the power on day to day basis.

  • Five minutes time to self at night before sleep

If you are not in a mood for meditation you can follow this simple method. Give five minutes of time to yourself at night before sleep. Switch off all the lights, in a calm mind recap all the happenings of the day, and analyze. The practice will eventually help you understand how these senses work in our life.

Sixth senses save us from many Danger

Due to our ignorance we don’t give this a thought to give importance to 6 sense. In life many times it acts as a veil, protect us from incoming dangers. As like animals instinct, we human does possess. Our inability to read the signals of the sixth senses could put us through dangers.

Sixth Sense is still a mystery to study in-depth and understand.  Since It’s presence is a feeling which can’t be explained.

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